Politics have always fascinated me. Ever since I took government and political science classes in high school, everything about the political process has been fair game for my free time. Some people get excited when their favorite sports teams are on TV or for large events like the Super Bowl or World Series. Not me. I get excited for Election Day. I tuned into many health care reform debates on C-SPAN and regularly follow political tickers on news websites. I understand that politics is not for everyone, but when it’s so easy for the American public to participate, why doesn’t everyone do it?
For me, spending a day at the Minnesota Capitol is fun, educational, entertaining and free. I know that I may be a minority when it comes to my enjoyment of legislative issues. However, I would encourage everybody to give it a shot sometime. Everyone has some political issue that they’re interested in. Whether it is a new Viking’s stadium or a new hospital, the legislature deals with a wide variety of issues affecting Minnesotans. I would challenge everyone who reads this to think about an issue that is important to you and do something involving that issue! Contact your senator or representative or go and sit in on a hearing or session. I really don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
MPhA has really allowed for me to make the connection between being an interested spectator to engaging in the whole process. I may not be able to convince you that the legislative process is fun, but if you’re on this site, you’re most likely interested in pharmacy. If you’re interested in pharmacy, you can get involved in pharmacy. You can do a lot for your state and learn about your profession by joining an organization like MPhA. Politics may seem irrelevant to some people, but your profession should not.