Monday, April 18, 2011

Another week of fun and inspiration!

Dear readers,

Welcome back to the MPhA blog. This week has been filled with activities and events that have undoubtedly enriched me with inspiration to not only practice pharmacy in the near future but also improve the world evolving around it. Although we attended many meetings within the MPhA office in order to talk about different issues that they are working on, including Pharmacy Nights, AWARE campaign, MPhA surveys to improve the association’s outcomes and much more, in this blog I will focus on two main events that affected me the most.

We had a chance to sit in the Minnesota Senate Health and Human Services Committee and listen to an important issue being presented (involving improvement of Minnesota children’s mental health hospital settings), discussed, and passed on to improvement and beyond. It was really interesting to see what different walks of life the committee members had come from and what each of them brought to the table. One thing they all had in common was the desire to come up with the best solution to the problem.

Another event I was pleased to attend was The Lawrence and Delores Weaver Medal ceremony.  It was presented to Dr. Donald A. Dee for his support to the college and his students through service to education, the profession, research and the community. This was also a great chance to talk to many professionals who have been practicing and teaching pharmacy for decades.

There is nothing more pleasing to me than to see inspired and passionate people using their energy and efforts to improve the world around them. And that is exactly what this rotation has provided for me.

Festina B.

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